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Anti Money Laundering

The Currency Exchange Pty ltd Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing laws very seriously. By preventing and detecting money laundering and the financing of terrorism, our aim is to comply with relevant laws, protect our reputation, and be a good corporate citizen.

In line with Anti Money laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing laws,

The Currency Exchange Pty Ltd must:

  • Report cash transactions of AUD $10,000 or more (or foreign equivalent) including details of the person transacting to AUSTRAC, regardless of whether they are our customer or not.
  • Apply customer identification Standards to identify and verify anyone wishing to perform specific transactions. This may require our staff to ask you for personal information, including identification documents.

What does this mean?

You may be required to provide personal information, such as driver's license, passport, birth certificate or other documents as required.

For more information.

Visit the AUSTRAC website:

or call us on 02-92690400